Kamis 28 Dec 2023 00:39 WIB

PWNU Jakarta Holds Year-End Mass Introspection

The Mass Introspection in 2023 will be held at Istiqlal Mosque.

Rep: Imas Damayanti/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
A number of Muslims perform prayers at the Istiqlal Mosque.
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
A number of Muslims perform prayers at the Istiqlal Mosque.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Closing the end of 2023, the Administrator of the Nahdlatul Ulama Region (PWNU) of DKI Jakarta Province will hold an end-of-year Introspection in 2023 at the Istiqlal Mosque, Central Jakarta, December 30, 2023. This was done as it welcomed the close of the end of the year as well as holding peaceful and neutral elections.

“The final accounts of 2023 are also filled with a joint prayer for peaceful and quality elections in 2024,” said Chairman of the PWNU DKI Year-End Introspection Committee, KH Mulawarman Hannase, as the release received by Republika on Wednesday (27/12/2023).

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In addition to being attended by NU administrators from the provincial level to the level of Se-DKI Jakarta with its institutions and banoms, the event will also present scholars, vice presidents, religious ministers, national figures, the governor of DKI Jakarta province, the police chief of Metro Jaya, and Pangdam Jaya. It also invited the public and Muslims to attend the event.

Kiai Mulawaran Hannase said that this activity is a manifestation of the responsibility of PWNU DKI Jakarta in maintaining the harmony and peace of the community during the 2024 election campaign and also as an event to demonstrate the neutrality of PWNU DKI Jakarta in the 2024 election.

“Therefore, in order to maintain neutrality, worshippers who come are not allowed to use party property or are of a campaign nature. Worshippers are also urged to bring plastic bags or bags to store slippers. And for worshippers carrying small children or toddlers it is expected to use diapers,” Kiai Mulawaran said.

The 2023 PWNU DKI Jakarta Final Accounting Activity, which contains a joint prayer for peaceful and quality elections 2024, started at 06.00 WIB. The agenda begins with participant registration, tahlil recitation, Maulid of the Prophet (SAW) and istighatsah.

Then, the opening, the opening speech, the presentation of PWNU DKI Jakarta, the khutbah iftihah, the briefing of the minister of religion, the organization direction of the PBNU General Chairman, mauidzhoh hasanah vice president, year-end report and joint prayer by the Istiqlal Masjid Grand Imam, the clerics, the administrators of PWNU DKI Jakarta, the Kapolda of Metro Jaya and Pangdam Jaya and concluded with prayer and closing at 12.00 pm.

It requested that worshippers be able to attend the Istiqlal Mosque at 06:00pm to register in order to avoid the build-up of queues to enter the main worship hall of the Istiqlal Mosque, which is the main place of prayer activities.

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