
Air Asia, more PMI personnel deployed

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PANGKALAN BUN -- The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) has sent additional personnel to Pangkalan Bun in Central Kalimantan to help recover the bodies of victims of the AirAsia flight that crashed in Karimata Strait."We are going to pick up our colleagues from Jakarta who arrived at the airport today. I don't know their number," a spokesman for the...

The National Search and Rescue (SAR) Agency

SAR Agency searches for QZ8501 fuselage and black box

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Search and Rescue (SAR) Agency will focus its efforts on the ninth day to find the fuselage and black box of the missing AirAsia QZ8501 aircraft."Tomorrow (Monday), our priority is to dive in the search area, which we have predicted to be the location of the fuselage of the aircraft," Head of the SAR...

Petugas Basarnas menyiapkan kantung jenazah untuk evakuasi korban penumpang AirAsia QZ 8501, di Pangkal Pinang, Bangka, Selasa (30/12).

Senin , 05 Jan 2015, 16:51 WIB

Basarnas Butuh Submersible

Air Asia (ilustrasi)

Senin , 05 Jan 2015, 16:37 WIB

Kemenhub Nilai Penerbangan Air Asia QZ8501 Ilegal

Kepala Basarnas Marsekal Madya Bambang Soelistyo.

Senin , 05 Jan 2015, 16:22 WIB

Basarnas: Pemda Setempat Banyak Membantu