A relative (front) of a passenger of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 cries as she walks past journalists at a hotel in Beijing March 9, 2014.

Malaysian jetliner may have turned back before vanishing

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUALA LUMPUR - The missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner might have turned back from its scheduled route before vanishing from radar screens, military officers said on Sunday, deepening the mystery surrounding the fate of the plane and the 239 people aboard. More than 36 hours after the last contact with Flight MH370, officials said they were widening the search to...

Low cost carrier Citilink Indonesia (file photo)

Citilink to accelerate its expansion to two other countries

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Low cost carrier Citilink Indonesia will accelerate its expansion services to two countries, earlier than its initial plan. "We will probably to accelerate our expansion to Malaysia and Singapore," Chief Executive Officer of Citilink Arif Wibowo said on Tuesday. Initially the expansion will be conducted in 2014, but Citilink find the market is promising while the demands also...