Sejumlah tukang ojek pangkalan dengan mengenakan jas hujan mencari penumpang di Stasiun Tebet, Jakarta, Selasa (30/1/2024).

BMKG Prakirakan Cuaca Mayoritas Kota di Indonesia Berawan-Hujan Hari Ini

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) RI memprakirakan cuaca di kota-kota besar Indonesia pada hari ini umumnya berawan hingga hujan. "Di Pulau Sumatera secara umum diperkirakan berawan tebal untuk wilayah Pangkal Pinang, hujan ringan di wilayah Lampung, dan waspadai hujan disertai petir di sekitar wilayah Jambi, Bengkulu, dan Palembang," kata Prakirawan BMKG Yohanes A. K. melalui siaran prakiraan...

Residents evacuated in a post-earth tent in Cibeureum Village, Kertasari, Bandung Regency, West Java, Wednesday (18/9/2024). According to the provisional data of the BPBD of West Java Province, as many as 450 residents were forced to evacuate, 58 people were lightly injured and 23 others seriously injured from three villages affected by the earthquake of magnitude 5.0.

The Active Fault That Triggered The 5.0 Magnitude Earthquake In Bandung Is Still A Mystery

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- The National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) revealed a shallow earthquake of magnitude 5.0 that shook the area of Bandung Regency, West Java, was triggered by a fault active that is still uncharted. The earthquake that occurred on Wednesday (September 18, 2024) is classified as a shallow earthquake. “The results of the preliminary discussions were initially predicted...