Judo athletes have a sparring match. (illustration)

Medan holds international judo championship

REPUBLIKA.CO. ID, MEDAN - Judo athletes from a number of countries contest in Medan Mayor Cup International Judo Championship for junior and senior in Medan, North Sumatra, on June 22-23, 2013. The participants come from the Netherland, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, and Indonesia as the host. "We want to introduce judo to the community in this city," Chairman of Committe,...

Pejudo Indonesia, Suliswanto (kanan) dan Embun Cahyono, menunjukan medali mereka usai menang dalam final kelas Nage-No Kata putra SEA Games XXVI di Gedung Judo Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, Kamis (17/11).

Kamis , 28 Feb 2013, 23:22 WIB

Atlet Pelatnas Keluhkan Uang Saku

Olimpiade 2012 London

Selasa , 07 Aug 2012, 05:57 WIB

Inilah Emas Pertama Iran di Olimpiade 2012