Kepala Bidang Humas Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Martinus Sitompul.

Jakarta police to deploy 150 security officers for AAC

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta City Police revealed that they will deploy nearly 150 special force officers to guard the delegates of the Asian-African Conference (AAC) and Asian-African Summit to be held in Jakarta and Bandung, on April 19-24."The assigned officers will be prepared to provide security to the ministers of the participating countries," Jakarta City Police spokesman Senior Commissioner...

Anak sekolah saat dirazia kendaraan/ilustrasi

Jumat , 04 Oct 2013, 10:00 WIB

Polda Jabar Gulirkan Program Polisi Masuk Sekolah

Aksi unjuk rasa di Tol Cawang arah Cikampek Km 44, Kamis (11/7)

Kamis , 11 Jul 2013, 13:46 WIB

Demiz: Demo Boleh Asal Jangan di Tol

Warga menggelar unjuk rasa dengan memblokir jalan tol Cikampek KM 44

Kamis , 11 Jul 2013, 13:36 WIB

Kapolda Jabar Negosiasi Pendemo Tol

Warga menggelar unjuk rasa dengan memblokir jalan tol Cikampek KM 44

Kamis , 11 Jul 2013, 12:53 WIB

Tol Cikampek Diblokir Warga, Arus Lalin Dialihkan

Penimbunan solar, salah satu bentuk penyelewengan BBM bersubsidi

Rabu , 01 May 2013, 17:46 WIB

Polda Jabar Ungkap 29 Kasus Penimbunan BBM