Kamis , 28 Nov 2013, 17:11 WIB
Learning tolerance at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Jakarta

Kamis , 28 Nov 2013, 16:26 WIB
Islamic organizations nourishing tolerance in the society

Selasa , 26 Nov 2013, 16:58 WIB
Minister asks religious leaders to maintain social harmony in political year

Selasa , 26 Nov 2013, 16:34 WIB
MUI urged interconnection of Islamic financial institutions to be improved

Selasa , 26 Nov 2013, 15:03 WIB
Australian researcher writes Javanese Islamic history

Selasa , 26 Nov 2013, 10:55 WIB
Financial centers race to become global Islamic finance hub

Senin , 25 Nov 2013, 00:01 WIB
Ulama Fikih Dunia Berkumpul di Saudi, Dorong Toleransi Antarmazhab

Sabtu , 23 Nov 2013, 19:14 WIB
'Islamic Economics Movement should not be a seasonal event'

Sabtu , 23 Nov 2013, 16:29 WIB
MoRA to boost Hajj fund investment on sukuk

Kamis , 21 Nov 2013, 12:09 WIB
Masjid Cagar Budaya di Kepatihan Direnovasi Hemat Energi

Rabu , 20 Nov 2013, 11:07 WIB
Minister of Religious Affairs to launch 27 thousand Islamic education websites

Rabu , 20 Nov 2013, 02:22 WIB
Lembaga Pendidikan Quran 'Online' Resmi Diluncurkan

A policewoman who want to appear before Chief of Police, wearing her headscarf
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, The non availability of headscarf (Jilbab) uniform rule for policewomen in Indonesia's National Police (INP) was not a problem Andriyani, a female police officer to feel inferior to others. Wearing the headscarf, Commissioner Desy Andriyani remained confident on serving as police staff who deal with foreign affairs. The mother of two kids decided to wear headscarf since the Polwan...

Kamis , 14 Nov 2013, 11:13 WIB
Malaysia's royal award for Islamic finance calls for global nominations

Kamis , 14 Nov 2013, 00:11 WIB
BPRS Bhakti Sumekar, serving local value

Selasa , 12 Nov 2013, 17:20 WIB
Longing for leader's honesty

Sabtu , 09 Nov 2013, 11:16 WIB
Prof Didin Sebut Lima Kekuatan Islam

Rabu , 06 Nov 2013, 12:59 WIB
Torchlight parade coloring Islamic New Year's Eve

Selasa , 05 Nov 2013, 15:48 WIB
East Java develops Mini School in Islamic Boarding School

Jumat , 01 Nov 2013, 07:00 WIB