Selasa 19 May 2015 18:16 WIB

UN praises Indonesia for accepting Rohingya refugee

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
 Rohingya (Antara/Rony Muharrman)
Rohingya (Antara/Rony Muharrman)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno LP Marsoedi said, Indonesia praised by Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, Jan Eliason because accepted 11,941 Rohingya refugees to stay in Indonesia.

"It's getting appreciation from UN deputy secretary general which communicate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday morning at about 9:30 to 10:00 am," he said after attending a cabinet meeting at the Presidential Office, on Tuesday, May 19.

Retno assessed that the aids which has been given by Indonesian to nearly 12 thousands Rohingya refugees had actually been in excess of what is supposed to do, because, Indonesia is not a country that is part of Convention of Refugee on 1951.

Moreover, human tragedy of Rohingya is not just Indonesia’s responsibility. Retno said the Rohingya refugees are an international issue that requires the cooperation of all parties to the settlement.

In the settlement of these cases, continued Retno, Indonesia initiated the principle of shared duties and responsibilities between countries of origin, transit and destination countries of the refugees.

"Obviously we involve international organizations such as UNHCR and IOM to help us resolve this issue," said Retno.

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