Rabu 18 Jan 2017 00:01 WIB

National Police says MUI’s fatwa brings broad implications

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
On Friday (11/4), the mass took to the street to demanding Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) to be imprisoned for religious blasphemy. They also said Ahok has torn diversity of the nation.
Foto: Republika/Reiny Dwinanda
On Friday (11/4), the mass took to the street to demanding Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) to be imprisoned for religious blasphemy. They also said Ahok has torn diversity of the nation.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The National Police, the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI), and some academics held a focus group discussion (FGD) at the Jakarta School of Police (STIK) on Tuesday (January 17). During the discussion, the Police Chief, Gen. Tito Karnavian, argued that the the impacts of the MUIs Fatwa was now appearing.

As an example, Tito named MUI fatwa on the use of non-Muslim attributes for Muslims. Some impacts were occurred in the community, such as the effort of enforcing the fatwa during Christmas and New Year. 

"There were also socialization movement of the fatwa, ranging from the most delicate by coming to the mall, the company, and the store on behalf of socialization," Tito said during a speech at the opening ceremony of the FGD entitled ‘MUI’s Fatwa and the Positive Law” on Tuesday.

The socialization caused people to worry. It even considered as a growing intolerance. The hard way of ‘socialization’ occurred in Solo, Central Java. There was a group of people came into the café and then they broke the Christmas tree.

Tito said the impacts on the fatwa were not only on the system of social order. It can also develop into a threat to the plurality and diversity. The threat was become very sensitive in many religious issues.The FGD attempted to find solutions. The results would be an input to take a stand and step forward in an effort to maintain the stability of national security and diversity.

Also read: There are feelings that grow among Muslims that should be understand: Kalla

According to Tito, MUI is an important institution in the system of national and state life. The council accommodated Islamic organizations and at the same time, upheld and promoted Islamic values ​​in the system of the state and nation.

MUI held a very important role, for example, in doing halal certification and others. But, it became interesting when its fatwa recently has wide implications and could adversely affect the stability of the disruption of social order.

Tito explained that MUI’s fatwa may influential in the legal system in Indonesia. For example, when there was an issue in the community about the alleged religious blasphemy involving Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), MUI announced a religious statement which was higher than fatwa. "Among them, there was an opinion that Ahok had conducted a blasphemy." 

Tito said MUI has stated that Ahok insult the Quran and the scholars. He argued that MUI’s religious statement have broad legal implications. The case flared up, followed by a movement which never existed before. "There is a movement that wer never knew before, the National Movement to Guard MUI’s Fatwa (GNPF MUI)," he said.

On behalf of GNPF MUI, there were a community mobilization and the opinions formed. MUI’s religious attitudes became a kind of decision said that the blasphemy domain was included into the Criminal Code, as the positive law of the state.

According to him, it is interesting to see how MUI’s statement and religious views made people so mobilized. All the incidents occurred, such as the 411 Rally and 212 Rally, was pretty much influenced by the decision of MUI.

Also read: The 12.12 action has bigger goal than getting Ahok arrested


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