Rabu 29 Aug 2018 21:34 WIB

Rules on loudspeaker in mosques still relevant: Ministry

Ministry's regulation on mosque's loudspeaker was set 40 years ago.

Rep: Muhyiddin, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Silhouette of a minaret and mosque's loudspeaker.
Foto: Yogi Ardhi/Republika
Silhouette of a minaret and mosque's loudspeaker.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Director General of Islamic Community Guidance at Ministry of Religious Affairs, Muhammadiyah Amin said the rules of loudspeaker in mosques as stated in Director General of Islamic Guidance Instruction No. Kep/D/101/1978 is still relevant. Therefore, revision for the rules is not needed.

“The rules in the form of Director General of Islamic Guidance Instruction was set 40 years ago and until now there is no new rule to replace it because it is still relevant,” said Amin on Tuesday (August 28).

Amin said the ministry will continue to socializer the rules. Moreover, the ministry has no plan to create a new rule, which might be more comprehensive according to Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and Islamic mass organizations. He reiterated that the existing rules will continue to be socialized.

Earlier, MUI deputy chairman Zainut Tauhid assessed the rules related to mosque loudspeaker should to be revised because it did not have a binding legal force. In addition, the regulation is also considered discriminatory because it only regulates the loudspeakers in the mosque and does not include in other worship places.

Zainut said Director General of Islamic Guidance Instruction is also not relevant to Law No.12 Year 2011 on Regulations for the Formation of Legislation. The law explained every rule will have binding legal force if there is higher regulation. “In my opinion, Ministry of Religious Affairs must create more comprehensive legislation,” Zainut said.

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