Kamis 10 Apr 2014 21:52 WIB

Gerindra optimistic to get 90 parliamentary seats

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Partai Gerindra
Partai Gerindra

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) was crowned the top three in legislative election 2014. Gerindra's secretary general, Ahmad Muzani said that quick count result showed the party grabing nearly 12 percent of votes.

Muzani recognized that the achievement was lower than the target of 20 percent of votes or 112 parliamentary seats. However, he appreciated the political machine that had run full supports to the party's structure.

"In the first calculation, we estimated to get 90 parliamentary seats. It will rise three times, hopefully," Muzani said on Thursday as reported by Erik Purnama Putra.

According to Muzani, the number of parliamentary seats can be met. He is still optimistic that the range is not far from the figure because voters' distribution outside Java is encouraging. Seats' donations from outside Java are larger from time to time. Gerindra has a bargaining power in coalition position.

Next week, the parties will more close to other political parties intensively. It is an effort to carry Prabowo Subianto, Gerindra's chairman of board of advisory council to be a presidential candidate.

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