Kamis 08 May 2014 16:56 WIB

President suggests family should help prevent child abuse

SBY (Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra)
SBY (Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono suggested that Indonesian families, particularly the parents, can help prevent child abuse by protecting their children and monitoring their environment.

"There are several components to protecting a child, including being vigilant of the minor's environment as well as awareness and monitoring efforts to the smallest community," Yudhoyono said here on Thursday.

The President stated his concern following the sexual abuse cases on children in several regions in Indonesia.

He said there should be some serious prevention efforts to avoid the abuse.

"The children will experience trauma in their life as well as face psychological issues in their future," the President said, adding that all related parties, including the government, should work together in a program to protect children and prevent abuses.

The program should be implemented from the tiniest environment the family to the school area and the national level.

Yudhoyono said the result from the limited meeting relating to the child abuse cases will be discussed in a wider meeting that will engage some stakeholders in the child protection ecosystem.

The President hoped that the meeting results in a settlement effort and measures to prevent violence and abuse of children, which will be nationally implemented by all parties.

The meeting that was held in the President's office was attended by Vice President Boediono and several ministers such as Economic Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa, Security Law and Politic Coordinating Minister Djoko Suyanto, People's Welfare Coordinating Minister Agung Laksono, Women Empowerment Minister Linda Ameliasari Gumelar and Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi.

The Indonesian Police Chief General Sutarman, State Secretary Sudi Silalahi and Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam also attended the meeting.


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