Kamis , 21 Mar 2013, 23:44 WIB
Electricity state company builds submarine cable project

Selasa , 12 Mar 2013, 23:53 WIB
Pertamina-Global Chemical to sign agreement in April

Kamis , 07 Mar 2013, 21:08 WIB
Energy Minister officially opens non-fuel power plant

Selasa , 05 Mar 2013, 21:34 WIB
Indonesia to ask gas price revision sold to China

Jumat , 01 Mar 2013, 20:04 WIB
The state electricity company to build steam power plant

Jumat , 01 Mar 2013, 19:25 WIB
Govt: No fuel price increase this year

Senin , 18 Feb 2013, 19:44 WIB
World Bank supports solar projects in Indonesia

Jumat , 08 Feb 2013, 17:30 WIB
Govt to limit coal export

Kamis , 17 Jan 2013, 09:01 WIB
US to build ethanol plant in Indonesia

Senin , 17 Dec 2012, 20:49 WIB
Nuclear technology has long been developed in Indonesia

Ahad , 16 Dec 2012, 22:15 WIB
Pertamina allocated 18 trillion IDR for acquisition

Rabu , 12 Dec 2012, 20:12 WIB
Pertamina to build 'mega' petrochemical refinery

Electricity export to Singapore awaits autorization
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The plan of state electricity company PLN to export electricity to Singapore is hampered as Singapore Energy Market Authority (SEMA) has not unauthorized the electricity import regulation. "PLN will wait until SEMA issues the regulation on electricity import," Executive Director of PLN, Nur Pamudji, said on Monday. He explained that Singapore had different characteristic from Malaysia. PLN has exported...

Selasa , 30 Oct 2012, 21:42 WIB
PLN installs solar cells at Indonesia-Timor Leste border posts

Senin , 29 Oct 2012, 17:24 WIB
Indonesia-China to build solar power plant

Kamis , 18 Oct 2012, 21:00 WIB
PLN Batam puts off IPO plan

Kamis , 18 Oct 2012, 19:29 WIB
ACD agrees on energy security framework

Kamis , 18 Oct 2012, 18:44 WIB
Indonesia offers 23 oil and gas blocks to Russian investors

Ahad , 16 Sep 2012, 23:00 WIB
Pertamina to acquire eight blocks in Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam

Jumat , 07 Sep 2012, 21:24 WIB
Pertamina interests on Algerian oil

Kamis , 30 Aug 2012, 21:02 WIB
Govt: Three new oil refineries by 2019

Kamis , 05 Jul 2012, 21:56 WIB
A MP defies govt’s plan on gas import

Selasa , 12 Jun 2012, 21:18 WIB
Minister: Indonesia signs MoU on solar power

Rabu , 30 May 2012, 20:09 WIB
Here is energy saving 'ala' presidential palace

Selasa , 29 May 2012, 19:40 WIB
DEN: National energy general plan urgently needed

Wow! Waste paper can produce electricity!
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) industry in Pelalawan, Riau, saves the energy by using lignin from waste products processed into fuel source to run the machine and electricity in the area. “Wood lignin processed into heavy black liquor can replace the usage of fossil fuel in producing pulp and paper by 87 percent,” the Environmental Manager...

Rabu , 12 May 2010, 05:01 WIB