Biofuel (illustration)

EU biofuel policy threatens Indonesian export

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - New European Union (EU) policy to decrease the use of biofuel threatens Indonesian industries as the exporter of biofuel. European Parliament Plenary Session held in Strasburg, France, decided that consumption of biofuel in EU countries should not be more than six percent of 10 percent total consumption of EU's renewable energy use in transportation sector by 2020....

Palm fruit is harvested in a plantation in Bogor. Indonesia and Malaysia continue to increase crude palm oil (CPO) production to meet needs of biodiesel to achieve EU targets. (illustration)

Kamis , 12 Sep 2013, 00:16 WIB

Three NGOs urge revision on EU biofuel policy

Palm oil fruits are on display in an exihibition. Tunisia plans to increase imports of palm oil from Indonesia to meet its domestic demands. (illustration)

Rabu , 11 Sep 2013, 00:09 WIB

Three NGOs urge revision on EU biofuel policy

A man tries to extract sago from sago tree. The state owned electricity firm, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) plans to build a biomass power plant in West Papua, using sago tree waste. (illustration)

Ahad , 08 Sep 2013, 21:11 WIB

PLN to build biomass power plant in Papua

A worker fill high speed diesel into tanker MT Serena II in Sambu Island, Batam, Riau. (illustration)

Pertamina to supply high speed diesel to Freeport

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -  The largest state-owned company of Indonesia, PT Pertamina and US-based gold mining company, PT Freeport Indonesia signed a letter of intent (LoI) on the sale and purchase of high speed diesel. Pertamina would supply diesel fuel to Freeport for a year. The signing was between President Director of Pertamina, Karen Agustiawan and President Director of Freeport Indonesia,...

Some Pertamina's container trucks deliver fuel supply in Jakarta. The Indonesian company cancels its acquisition of 32 percent shares of a US oil company based in Venezuela. (illustration)

Ahad , 23 Jun 2013, 15:27 WIB

Govt to add fuel supplies after fuel price hike

Some Pertamina's container trucks deliver fuel supply in Jakarta. (illustration)

Kamis , 20 Jun 2013, 08:44 WIB

Pertamina to develop gas project with PNG