Senin , 14 Oct 2013, 22:25 WIB
Yudhoyono supports Indonesians to learn K-Pop

Ahad , 13 Oct 2013, 19:06 WIB
South Korea, Indonesia in $10bn currency swap deal

Ahad , 13 Oct 2013, 17:26 WIB
Indonesia-Korea Sepakati Swap Mata Uang Rp 115 Triliun

Sabtu , 12 Oct 2013, 18:15 WIB
Indonesia, South Korea target to achieve 100 billion USD trade

Sabtu , 28 Sep 2013, 13:07 WIB
Samsung keen to build smartphone factory in Indonesia

Rabu , 18 Sep 2013, 23:59 WIB
President attends inaguration of Hankook Tire factory

Jumat , 06 Sep 2013, 23:01 WIB
S Korea to increase investment on biomass

Jumat , 12 Apr 2013, 18:57 WIB
Garuda Indonesia serves flights to Korea despite nuclear threat

Rabu , 10 Apr 2013, 06:09 WIB
Indonesian MPs questioning S Korean shares in Blitzmegaplex

Jumat , 05 Apr 2013, 23:01 WIB
S Korea offers flying ship to Indonesia

Sabtu , 30 Mar 2013, 23:33 WIB
Indonesia, S Korea aim to conclude CEPA this year

Kamis , 14 Mar 2013, 18:22 WIB
Indonesian giant flower to be exhibited in S. Korea

VP Boediono to attend the inauguration of S. Korean president
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesian Vice President Boediono will pay a state visit to Seoul, South Korea on February 23-26, 2013. One of his agenda is to attend the inauguration of Park Geun-hye as the president of South Korea. "We have close relations between Indonesia-South Korea. The year 2013 is the Year of Friendship and also commemorating the 40 years of...

Kamis , 18 Oct 2012, 19:04 WIB
Garut to export chocolate to South Korea

Sabtu , 13 Oct 2012, 22:05 WIB
S. Korea to develop eight infrastructure projects in Indonesia

Senin , 24 Sep 2012, 18:00 WIB