Kamis , 19 Dec 2013, 15:19 WIB
Police general sentenced for involvement in corruption case

Kamis , 19 Dec 2013, 00:05 WIB
Foto Tanpa Busana Disebar Pacar, Seorang Perempuan Lapor Polisi

Sabtu , 14 Dec 2013, 14:12 WIB
Kapolda MAlut Jamin Semua Kasus Korupsi Tuntas

Sabtu , 14 Dec 2013, 13:10 WIB
Polresta Dumai Kejar Maling SIM dan Elektronik

Kamis , 12 Dec 2013, 06:49 WIB
Pramono: We have not received an official answer from Boediono

Kamis , 12 Dec 2013, 05:32 WIB
Police interrogate driver of truck in deadly crash with train

Rabu , 11 Dec 2013, 10:47 WIB
Seven dead in Argentina looting amid police strike

Rabu , 11 Dec 2013, 05:00 WIB
Korupsi Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan di Riau, Begini Peran Pengusaha

Rabu , 11 Dec 2013, 01:02 WIB
KPK completes investigations of Rudi Rubiandini

Selasa , 10 Dec 2013, 22:16 WIB
On Century case, Lawmaker: We will send an invitation to the vice president soon

Selasa , 10 Dec 2013, 21:15 WIB
President calls for proper, transparent use of budgetary funds

Selasa , 10 Dec 2013, 19:20 WIB
Improving railways key to reducing Java's road traffic

Fuel truck driver blamed for deadly crash with passenger train in Tangerang
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A railway company official has blamed the truck driver for the deadly crash with a passenger train at a railway crossing in Bintaro in Jakarta's southwestern outskirts on Monday."The fuel truck driver did not comply with the rules. He rammed through the crossing's bars," the head of the state railway company's operation region 1, Isnadi, said.He...

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 14:45 WIB
Tangerang's death toll of KRL vs. tanker truck collision rises to nine

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 13:42 WIB
Seven people killed in accident collision of a tanker truck vs KRL

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 13:05 WIB
KRL hit tanker truck in Pondok Ranji crossings

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 08:50 WIB
Karyawan Garuda Dukung KPK Bongkar Pembelian Saham

Sabtu , 07 Dec 2013, 18:51 WIB
Perampok Emas di Kolaka Timur Diburu

Sabtu , 07 Dec 2013, 15:21 WIB
Polisi Bahorok Tangkap Pengedar dan Pemakai Sabu

Sabtu , 07 Dec 2013, 14:26 WIB
Jelang Pemilu, Politisi Jatuhkan Lawan Melalui KPK

Sabtu , 07 Dec 2013, 04:12 WIB
Marcell swept away by flood waters in Riau

Sabtu , 07 Dec 2013, 03:08 WIB
Trace the flows of money, KPK urged about Century Bank case

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 15:17 WIB
Police should not delay use of headscarves: Women Study Center

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 12:28 WIB
Drug trafficker facing 15 years in jail

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 11:31 WIB
Suami Abaikan Istri Hamil Bakal Dihukum

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 06:11 WIB
Advokasi Masyarakat, PB PMII Minta Kadernya Dibebaskan

Polisi Tangkap Pelaku Pembunuh Ibu dan Anak di Simalungun
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SIMALUNGUN - Kepolisian Resort Simalungun, Sumatera Utara, menangkap dua tersangka yang diduga pelaku pembunuhan terhadap ibu dan anak di Nagori (Desa) Saribudolok. Kedua tersangka itu, yakni, RM (22 tahun) dan MAS (18 tahun). Kapolres Simalungun AKBP Andi S taufik didampingi Wakapolres Kompol Leo Siagian dan Kasat Reskrim AKP Wilson BF Pasaribu mengatakan kedua tersangka membunuh korban Maembang boru Lumban Gaol...

Kamis , 05 Dec 2013, 21:26 WIB
Majikan Penganiaya PRT Ditangkap
Kamis , 05 Dec 2013, 19:12 WIB
Legislator criticizes postponement of decision allowing policewomen to wear headcarves

Kamis , 05 Dec 2013, 01:37 WIB
Polresta Medan Tangkap Mahasiswa Peras Perusahaan Sawit

Selasa , 03 Dec 2013, 14:34 WIB
KH Hasyim Muzadi: Biarkan Saja Polwan Muslimah Berjilbab

Senin , 25 Nov 2013, 15:19 WIB
Setelah Diperbolehkan Berjilbab, Kompol Sri Haryati Langsung ke Tukang Jahit

Senin , 25 Nov 2013, 14:47 WIB
Setelah Baca Republika, Polwan Ini Langsung Kenakan Jilbab

Senin , 25 Nov 2013, 14:28 WIB
Dibolehkan Berjilbab, Polwan: Anugerah yang Luar Biasa

Rabu , 20 Nov 2013, 01:48 WIB
PKS legislator applauds headscarf verdict

Sabtu , 16 Nov 2013, 04:07 WIB