Jumat , 05 Dec 2014, 16:36 WIB
Minister: Policy to sink illegal vessels is not war against other countries

Jumat , 05 Dec 2014, 16:19 WIB
Jokowi orders to sink illegal vessels Saturday

Kamis , 04 Dec 2014, 18:47 WIB
Govt to sink three illegal ships this Saturday

Kamis , 04 Dec 2014, 16:05 WIB
Navy: All battleships ready to sink foreign vessels involved in illegal fishing

Rabu , 03 Dec 2014, 19:51 WIB
President to repatriate boat people involved in illegal fishing

Rabu , 03 Dec 2014, 15:52 WIB
Chamber of Commerce imports 500 ships from China and Myanmar

Rabu , 03 Dec 2014, 12:33 WIB
Indonesia seeks more opportunities on fishery export to Singapore

Selasa , 02 Dec 2014, 16:31 WIB
Maritime cooperation can ensure welfare, says Jusuf Kalla

Jumat , 28 Nov 2014, 19:03 WIB
Govt to standardize Indonesia's fish products

Rabu , 26 Nov 2014, 13:29 WIB
Indonesia needs to have maritime university

Rabu , 26 Nov 2014, 01:10 WIB
Lawmaker criticizes on policy fighting illegal fishers

Ahad , 23 Nov 2014, 21:20 WIB
Govt prepares up to 100 fishermen's special cards as pilot project

Govt anticipates negative impacts of vessels moratorium
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ministry of Maritime and Fishery Affairs has prepare measures to prevent negative impacts after government's moratorium on large vessels takes effect. The moratorium, intended to restore marine resources and boost state revenue, may cause the crew losing their jobs. As a solution, government prepares several kinds of training for the ex-crew of foreign fishing vessels. The training...

Rabu , 12 Nov 2014, 22:10 WIB
Parliament hopes ministers' blusukan style is not merely for image building

Rabu , 12 Nov 2014, 15:14 WIB
Minister: Indonesia to develop 24 new ports

Selasa , 11 Nov 2014, 17:14 WIB
Minister Pudjiastuti apologizes for taking 'shortcut' on new regulation

Ahad , 02 Nov 2014, 17:00 WIB
Minister hands in 6,800 fisherman cards in Cilacap

Senin , 20 Oct 2014, 18:17 WIB
Jokowi vows to restore Indonesia's maritime glory

Jumat , 26 Sep 2014, 09:00 WIB
Jokowi asked to revise seven adverse policies in maritim sector

Kamis , 11 Sep 2014, 16:34 WIB
Shipyards not yet strong enough to support maritime state

Rabu , 10 Sep 2014, 22:02 WIB
Indonesia to host international maritime industry exhibition

Jumat , 29 Aug 2014, 20:00 WIB
Government encourages fishermen to form business group

Senin , 25 Aug 2014, 19:57 WIB
Minister: Indonesia not meets criteria of a maritime country yet

Senin , 21 Jul 2014, 01:57 WIB
Surabaya to have maritime vocational school soon

Kamis , 10 Jul 2014, 23:26 WIB
Fishery and Maritime Ministry to set MEA Center

Samarinda to build Maritime Business Center
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SAMARINDA -- State owned port operator, PT Indonesia Port Corporation (IPC) will build Maritime Business Center (SMBC) in Samarinda, East Kalimantan. Deputy Mayor of Samarinda, Ismail Nusyirwan proposed SMBC development plan on former land of container port facilities at Yos Sudarso Street. The land can also be used as parking area to break traffic congestion at the street."Although...

Selasa , 12 Mar 2013, 23:26 WIB
Indonesia to host workshop of ASEAN-OSRAP

Senin , 04 Feb 2013, 22:28 WIB
Indonesia proposes APEC`s Work Plan on main streaming ocean issues

Rabu , 04 Jul 2012, 20:18 WIB
Indonesia, Australia agree to discuss strengthened maritime cooperation

Kamis , 08 Mar 2012, 12:39 WIB