Selasa , 10 Dec 2013, 22:16 WIB
On Century case, Lawmaker: We will send an invitation to the vice president soon

Selasa , 10 Dec 2013, 21:15 WIB
President calls for proper, transparent use of budgetary funds

Selasa , 10 Dec 2013, 19:20 WIB
Improving railways key to reducing Java's road traffic

Selasa , 10 Dec 2013, 13:02 WIB
President: Investigate corruption in taxation

Selasa , 10 Dec 2013, 01:07 WIB
Fuel truck driver blamed for deadly crash with passenger train in Tangerang

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 22:47 WIB
IPW: Police must spearhead efforts to eradicate corruption

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 15:40 WIB
Gita Wirjawan Ikut Berduka Tragedi Tabrakan KRL Vs Truk

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 15:04 WIB
Activist urged law enforcers to address Aceh corruption case

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 14:45 WIB
Tangerang's death toll of KRL vs. tanker truck collision rises to nine

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 13:42 WIB
Seven people killed in accident collision of a tanker truck vs KRL

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 13:05 WIB
KRL hit tanker truck in Pondok Ranji crossings

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 08:50 WIB
Karyawan Garuda Dukung KPK Bongkar Pembelian Saham

Polisi Bahorok Tangkap Pengedar dan Pemakai Sabu
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LANGKAT -- Aparat kepolisian Bahorok Kabupaten Langkat Sumatera Utara, berhasil menangkap satu pengedar dan dua pemakai sabu-sabu dari pos rajawali desa perkebunan Sei Musam, beserta barang buktinya."Ada 3 orang yang ditangkap aparat kepolisian Bahorok dalam kasus narkotika jenis sabu-sabu," kata Kepala Satuan Narkoba Polisi Resor Kabupaten Langkat AKP Lukmin Siregar di Stabat, Sabtu.Mereka yang ditangkap itu terdiri dari...

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 12:28 WIB
Drug trafficker facing 15 years in jail

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 11:31 WIB
Suami Abaikan Istri Hamil Bakal Dihukum

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 06:11 WIB
Advokasi Masyarakat, PB PMII Minta Kadernya Dibebaskan

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 03:42 WIB
Delaying use of headscarves an exaggeration: MUI

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 02:04 WIB
Polisi Tangkap Pelaku Pembunuh Ibu dan Anak di Simalungun

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 01:47 WIB
Polisi Tangkap Pelaku Pemerkosa Turis Jepang

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 00:26 WIB
ICMI: Intoleransi Masih Jadi PR Bangsa

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 00:08 WIB
Pusat Studi Wanita: Jilbab Polwan Semestinya Tidak Ditunda

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 00:01 WIB
Warga Malaysia Penghina Bendera RI Divonis 15 Bulan Penjara

Kamis , 05 Dec 2013, 21:26 WIB
Majikan Penganiaya PRT Ditangkap
Kamis , 05 Dec 2013, 19:12 WIB
Legislator criticizes postponement of decision allowing policewomen to wear headcarves

Kamis , 05 Dec 2013, 02:04 WIB
Jembatan Rusak, Banda Aceh-Medan Terputus

HIV Transmission from mother to babies up in Jayapura
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SENTANI -- Known cases of transmission of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) from mothers to babies rose in the district of Jayapura, Papua. Purnomo, the secretary of the district HIV/AID Control Commission (KPA), said in 2012 there were only 25 children below five years known to be infected by HIV in the district. "By September this year, the number has increased...

Selasa , 26 Nov 2013, 16:23 WIB
Legislator: We are optimistic Wilfrida Soik will be free

Kamis , 21 Nov 2013, 03:14 WIB
Sumut Evakuasi Ternak dari Daerah Terdekat Sinabung

Senin , 18 Nov 2013, 16:29 WIB
Mount Merapi in Sleman erupts again

Senin , 18 Nov 2013, 03:09 WIB
Adequate infrastructures needed to support meat self-sufficiency program

Ahad , 17 Nov 2013, 23:33 WIB
Govt studies more loans for Mt Sinabung affected farmers

Sabtu , 16 Nov 2013, 06:06 WIB
Ministry wants disaster drills included in school curriculum

Jumat , 15 Nov 2013, 22:08 WIB
Wartawan Unjuk Rasa Protes Kekerasan di Medan

Jumat , 15 Nov 2013, 09:24 WIB
Jalan Lintas Humbahas-Taput Macet Tertutup Longsor

Jumat , 15 Nov 2013, 03:08 WIB