Jumat , 26 Apr 2013, 20:59 WIB
SBY: Indonesia ready for ASEAN free trade area

Rabu , 24 Apr 2013, 16:56 WIB
SBY urges Myanmar to stop violence towards Rohingya people

Senin , 22 Apr 2013, 17:41 WIB
SBY receives two honorary doctorates during his ASEAN visit

Jumat , 19 Apr 2013, 22:34 WIB
SBY appoints Hatta Rajasa as acting minister of finance

Kamis , 18 Apr 2013, 22:09 WIB
This time, SBY's press conference draws criticisms

Selasa , 16 Apr 2013, 18:22 WIB
Wow... SBY follows some celebrities on twitter!

Senin , 15 Apr 2013, 00:06 WIB
SBY supports students on his Twitter

Sabtu , 13 Apr 2013, 22:20 WIB
SBY is now tweeting

Sabtu , 06 Apr 2013, 00:48 WIB
SBY: Aceh flag not political issue

Kamis , 04 Apr 2013, 21:38 WIB
Visiting World Bank VP meets Boediono

Rabu , 03 Apr 2013, 19:05 WIB
Minister: Empty post may lead to cabinet reshuffle

Rabu , 27 Mar 2013, 00:11 WIB
President SBY receives the visiting Princess Maxima of Netherlands

Yudhoyono receives the visiting Liberian president
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) receives the visit of Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in State Palace, Jakarta, on Monday. They discussed on several matters, such as investment and capacity building. Presidential Staff on International Relations, Teuku Faizasyah, said the meeting focused on some agreements, including SBY's visit to Monrovia, Liberia, last January. Both countries agreed...

Kamis , 07 Mar 2013, 18:09 WIB
Indonesia-Hungary seek closer cooperation

Rabu , 06 Mar 2013, 23:15 WIB
SBY visited International Tourism Bourse in Berlin

Rabu , 06 Mar 2013, 23:01 WIB
Indonesia supports EU-ASEAN comprehensive economic partnership

Selasa , 05 Mar 2013, 20:41 WIB
SBY and Westerwelle discuss bilateral relations

Kamis , 28 Feb 2013, 21:46 WIB
Former president Megawati criticizes govt's energy policy

Jumat , 22 Feb 2013, 20:43 WIB
VP Boediono to attend the inauguration of S. Korean president

Rabu , 20 Feb 2013, 21:03 WIB
SBY: I've been denounced for more than eight years

Sabtu , 16 Feb 2013, 00:00 WIB
VP warns of possible lawsuits in glovalization era

Rabu , 13 Feb 2013, 20:22 WIB
VP Boediono awarded honorary degree from Monash University

Senin , 11 Feb 2013, 02:00 WIB
SBY’s integrity pact takes effect without delay

Selasa , 05 Feb 2013, 19:15 WIB
SBY refutes suspicion over tax returns

Senin , 04 Feb 2013, 21:36 WIB
IDB is ready to open its branch in Jakarta

Liberia supports Indonesia to lead WTO
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MONROVIA - Liberia supports Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Mari Elka Pangestu during bilateral meeting with Indonesia on Thursday to become Director General of World Trade Organization (WTO). Pangestu is competing with eight other candidates to replace Pascal Lamy to chair WTO. President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, met President of Liberia, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, on Thursday....

Jumat , 21 Dec 2012, 21:36 WIB
ICMI offers four criteria for president candidates

Selasa , 11 Dec 2012, 18:39 WIB
Politicians: Cabinet reshuffle is an option

Kamis , 06 Dec 2012, 20:52 WIB
SBY inaugurates eight new projects of Pertamina

Senin , 03 Dec 2012, 23:00 WIB
SBY sits on the 9th of 500 most influential Muslims

Senin , 26 Nov 2012, 21:18 WIB
Norway encourages Indonesia to abolish death penalty

Sabtu , 17 Nov 2012, 23:20 WIB
Minister: BP Migas contracts still underway

Kamis , 15 Nov 2012, 23:35 WIB
SBY issues decree following dissolution of BP Migas

Rabu , 07 Nov 2012, 19:56 WIB
Soekarno and Hatta awarded as national heroes

Senin , 05 Nov 2012, 19:00 WIB