Kamis 30 Jun 2016 20:54 WIB

Surabaya-Probolinggo road temporarily closed

Rep: MGROL70/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Umarul Faruq

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Road from Surabaya to Probolinggo is temporarily closed due to the flooding in Pasuruan and Pasuruan regency, on Thursday (30/6) morning.

Chief Executive Regional Disaster Management Agency of East Java province, Sudarmawan said that based on information from Regional Disaster Management Agency, Pasuruan, flooding happened on Thursday morning at 4:57 am. The flooding of Welang river basin covers an area in Sub Karangketug, Randusari, Krapyakrejo District of Gadingrejo, Bugulkidul, and Panggungrejo.

While flooding in Pasuruan occurred at 5:37 pm. This flood covers several areas with the water level between 30-60 centimeters. In the Village of Tambakan Kalianyar Bangil, the water level had reached 50 centimeters in the settlements and roads.

In the village of Plinggisan, Sidogiri, Klampis, Ngempit, Tambakrejo District of Kraton and Sukorejo and the District Sungikulon Pohjentrek, the water level reaches about 30-60 centimeters in roads and settlements. Kraton's northern coastal road, bridge Tambakrejo, water flooded the streets around 30-50 centimeters, causing traffic flow propagate.

The flooding due to overflowing of Welang river and Kedunglarangan rivers due to the intensity of the rain in the city of Pasuruan and Pasuruan.

"There were no fatalities in this accident, but traffic of Surabaya-Probolinggo is temporarily closed," Darmawan said when contacted by Republika.co.id on Thursday.

The temporary closure of lanes of Surabaya-Probolinggo Purwosari will divert the traffic, while the path towards Pasuruan Probolinggo is still drivable. According to him, this time the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Pasuruan will monitor in the flooded areas. In addition, the Quick Response Team, Regional Disaster Management Agency volunteers and municipal police as well as the traffic police will be on standby at the scene.

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