Rabu 23 May 2018 00:21 WIB

Garuda to check its pilots following terrorism content

One of Garuda Indonesia's pilot grounded for uploading terrorism content on Facebook.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Garuda Indonesia
Foto: EPA/Bagus Indahono
Garuda Indonesia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Garuda Indonesia is planning to check all its pilots following a terrorism content uploaded by its pilot on the social media. Garuda has issued a notice to pilots to be cautious and professional, Garuda Indonesia Operations Director Triyanto Moeharsono said at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs here on Tuesday.

Garuda has suspended the pilot uploading the terrorism content on the social media, he said. "He has been grounded," he said.

Although he is not allowed to operate a plane anymore, the management of the national flag carrier has not discharged him because it still had to study his mistakes, he said.

Also read: Facebook users arrested for saying terror cases engineered

The notice to be cautious and professional applies not only to pilots but also to all personnel of the publicly listed airline company, he said.

"I oversee the pilots. But I think the corporate secretary will issue the notice because this is a sensitive issue," he said.

Earlier, Garuda Indonesia pilot, identified by his initials as OGT, shared and commented status on the Facebook on a series of terror attacks in the East Java provincial capital of Surabaya which he described as merely being engineered.

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