Ilustrasi jamaah haji lanjut usia.

Berapa Jumlah Jamaah Lanjut Usia 2024? ini Penjelasan Menteri Agama Yaqut

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Menteri Agama (Menag) RI Yaqut Cholil Qoumas mengatakan sebanyak 41 ribu orang jamaah lanjut usia (lansia) tercatat akan menunaikan ibadah haji pada tahun 2024. "Masih seperti tahun lalu, ada 41 ribu lansia kurang lebih," katanya saat ditemui di sela-sela pelepasan keberangkatan jamaah calon haji perdana Indonesia di Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta, Tangerang, Ahad (12/5) dini hari. Gus Men, sapaan akrab...

Halal logo. (illustration)

Ministry of Commerce: Halal Obligation in October to Increase Value Added

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG -- The Ministry of Religious Affairs (Ministry of Religious Affairs) through the Organizing Agency for Halal Products Guarantee (BPJPH) explained that one of the goals of the Mandatory Halal October program is to increase added value to business operators in the country. “There is a view that if we are Islamic, then all products especially food and drinks...