Rabu , 26 Sep 2018, 20:10 WIB
Elections must not cause national disunity: President

Rabu , 26 Sep 2018, 16:31 WIB
Political parties lost moral, social sensitivity: Busyro

Rabu , 26 Sep 2018, 03:30 WIB
President Jokowi fails to attend PKPI event

Senin , 24 Sep 2018, 16:32 WIB
Yusril criticizes Ulema Ijtima II results

Sabtu , 22 Sep 2018, 11:30 WIB
Becomes Prabowo adviser, Kwik Kian Gie not leaving PDIP

Kamis , 20 Sep 2018, 16:19 WIB
Police deploys 1,000 personnels to secure KPU

Kamis , 20 Sep 2018, 16:07 WIB
Yenny Wahid still undecided on support for Jokowi or Prabowo

Kamis , 20 Sep 2018, 15:21 WIB
Kiai Ma'ruf aims to rise budget for pesantren empowerment

Rabu , 19 Sep 2018, 21:33 WIB
PAN urges Kiai Ma'ruf to resign from MUI chairmanship post

Rabu , 19 Sep 2018, 21:21 WIB
KPU has two options in announcing ex graft convicts identity

Rabu , 19 Sep 2018, 18:36 WIB
Prabowo camp to embrace ulemas in campaign team

Rabu , 19 Sep 2018, 14:15 WIB
PDIP asserts Kwik Kian Gie still part of the party

Many potential cyber threats ahead of general elections
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN) has hinted that there are many potential cyber threats ahead of the 2019 presidential and legislative elections. However, BSSN Chairman Djoko Setiadi reluctant to mention some of the examples."There are plenty of them. Yes, you can see on the media. It will be too many if I have to...

Ahad , 16 Sep 2018, 16:36 WIB
Prabowo attends Ulema's Ijtima II meeting

Ahad , 16 Sep 2018, 13:28 WIB
KPU to hold meeting on updated permanent voters list

Jumat , 14 Sep 2018, 20:42 WIB
Ridwan Kamil looks forward to meet Sandiaga Uno in Bandung

Jumat , 14 Sep 2018, 18:14 WIB
To campaign for Jokowi, regional heads remain on duty: KIK

Jumat , 14 Sep 2018, 14:33 WIB
House speaker urges KPU to deal with duplicate voters names

Kamis , 13 Sep 2018, 00:45 WIB
Kwik joins campaign team, SBY to be Prabowo's campaigner

Rabu , 12 Sep 2018, 17:56 WIB
Prabowo, Sandiaga to meet with SBY tonight

Selasa , 11 Sep 2018, 17:18 WIB
KIK to find honorable post for Yenny Wahid in campaign team

Selasa , 11 Sep 2018, 17:00 WIB
PAN welcomes Yenny Wahid to join Prabowo-Sandi campaign team

Selasa , 11 Sep 2018, 06:51 WIB
Sandiaga invites Yenny Wahid to join campaign team?

Senin , 10 Sep 2018, 21:00 WIB
Erick Thohir must learn a lot about politics: JK

Sabtu , 08 Sep 2018, 01:08 WIB
Erick Thohir reveals reason behind decision to be TKN chief

Jokowi's campaign team leader to be announced today
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Leader of campaign team for incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) - KH Ma’ruf Amin to be announced on Friday (Sept 7). Based on information received by Republika.co.id, the name would be announced directly by Jokowi and his running mate. “Jokowi - Kiai Ma’ruf campaign team chairman name will officially be announced directly by the candidates pair...

Kamis , 06 Sep 2018, 15:42 WIB
Ganjar Pranowo, Ridwan Kamil to support Jokowi

Rabu , 05 Sep 2018, 18:00 WIB
Prabowo visits earthquake-devastated Lombok

Selasa , 04 Sep 2018, 17:48 WIB
Jokowi to announce head of winning team on Sept 7

Selasa , 04 Sep 2018, 17:19 WIB
Prabowo's camp rejects permanent voters list released by KPU

Senin , 03 Sep 2018, 16:56 WIB
#2019GantiPresiden raises provocative issues: Observer

Jumat , 31 Aug 2018, 18:27 WIB
Ustaz Yusuf Mansur to join Jokowi-Ma'ruf camp?

Jumat , 31 Aug 2018, 00:30 WIB
Kiai Ma'ruf denies to have met with Habib Rizieq in Mecca

Kamis , 30 Aug 2018, 17:07 WIB
Din says KH Ma'ruf indeed should be inactive as MUI chairman

Rabu , 29 Aug 2018, 20:07 WIB