
Kendari supports online-based UMKM management

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KENDARI -- Kendari city government in Southeast Sulawesi province is supporting the online-based management of Micro Small Medium Businesses (UMKM), an official has said."The UMKM players should make use of current information and technology development to introduce their products through the online marketing," local Industry, Trade and Cooperatives Department and UMKM Chief Syam Alam remarked here on Wednesday.He...

Cocoa is a commodity which potential to lift many livelihoods in Indonesia.

Cargill builds Indonesia's largest cocoa factory in Gresik

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GRESIK -- PT Cargill Indonesia , a unit of the US multinational food and beverage company Cargill, has built a cocoa processing plant in Gresik, East Java, at a cost of US$100 million.The factory will produce semi finished cacao products like powdered cacao with the brand of Gerkens, cacao liquor and butter, president of Cargill Cocoa and Chocolate...

Manado, Sulawesi Utara

Sabtu , 11 Oct 2014, 22:38 WIB

Penelitian Kebudayaan Sultra Harus ke Belanda

Lukisan gua (ilustrasi)

Kamis , 09 Oct 2014, 14:47 WIB

Ternyata, Lukisan Gua Sulawesi Sudah Banyak Rusak

Mining (illustration)

Selasa , 07 Oct 2014, 11:25 WIB

West Sulawesi holds potential mineral reserves

Sutopo Purwo Nugroho

Kamis , 25 Sep 2014, 17:50 WIB

Cara BNPB Atasi Kekeringan di Sejumlah Daerah

Bank Muamalat

Selasa , 23 Sep 2014, 20:03 WIB

Bank Muamalat Buka MCC di Medan dan Sulawesi

Kamis , 18 Sep 2014, 12:00 WIB

Sulawesi dalam Gerak dan Nada

Jumat , 12 Sep 2014, 17:00 WIB

‘Surga’ Baru Bernama Tomini

Ahad , 07 Sep 2014, 15:30 WIB

Buya Sabe Donggala