Selasa , 09 May 2017, 15:13 WIB
MUI respects judges’ decision on blasphemy case

Selasa , 09 May 2017, 12:19 WIB
Ahok gets two years imprisonment
Selasa , 09 May 2017, 10:19 WIB
ACTA reveals four strong evidences of blasphemy
Sabtu , 06 May 2017, 08:15 WIB
Din Syamsuddin fends off allegation against Muslims as intolerant and anti-diversity

Sabtu , 06 May 2017, 04:10 WIB
Let us wait for judges' decision on blasphemy case: Attorney General

Jumat , 05 May 2017, 21:28 WIB
Do not waste energy for something unproductive: Jokowi

Jumat , 05 May 2017, 21:11 WIB
Observer says 55 rally is not an intervention to the law

Jumat , 05 May 2017, 20:40 WIB
Sympathetic 55 rally is not held to exert pressure on court: GNPF

Jumat , 05 May 2017, 19:38 WIB
Chairman of GNPF asks the society to accept judges' decision on Ahok's case

Jumat , 05 May 2017, 04:02 WIB
Participants of 55 rally start to gather at Istiqlal and At-Tin mosque

Kamis , 04 May 2017, 12:51 WIB
The 55 rally is in line with true harmony: Din Syamsuddin

Kamis , 04 May 2017, 10:04 WIB
Delegitimization of MUI, NU and Muhammadiyah occurs if judges neglect its opinion

Judicial Commission monitors process of Ahok's trial
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Judicial Commission (KY) has been monitoring the process of a blasphemy trial case of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama. The Judicial Commission has a duty to make sure that the process of the trial is being carried out with good intention and in accordance with the role given by the state, KY spokesman Farid Wajdi said...

Kamis , 27 Apr 2017, 17:00 WIB
For the sake of national unity, Din Syamsuddin: Never underestimate Ahok's case

Selasa , 25 Apr 2017, 21:49 WIB
Jokowi is urged to dismiss HM Prasetyo as attorney general
Selasa , 25 Apr 2017, 21:23 WIB
Verdict in Ahok trial to be read on May 9

Selasa , 25 Apr 2017, 20:23 WIB
Ahok likens himself as small Nemo fish

Kamis , 20 Apr 2017, 16:57 WIB
Prosecutors seek two years of probation for Ahok

Selasa , 11 Apr 2017, 22:46 WIB
The blasphemy trial is adjourned, GNPF: The intervention is too obvious

Selasa , 11 Apr 2017, 21:19 WIB
Prosecutors ask extra time for preparing warrant of Ahok's case

Senin , 10 Apr 2017, 01:11 WIB
No change of schedule on Ahok's trial

Jumat , 07 Apr 2017, 20:27 WIB
We support the court to continue Ahok's trial on next Tuesday: Complainant

Jumat , 07 Apr 2017, 00:41 WIB
For security reason, police asks court to postpone plea reading of Ahok's case

Selasa , 21 Mar 2017, 18:49 WIB
Ahok statement means al-Maidah verse 51 was used to deceived people: Expert on linguistics

Selasa , 14 Mar 2017, 20:17 WIB
Witness pro-Ahok says does not know content of Al-Maidah 51

Kamis , 09 Mar 2017, 00:51 WIB
Ahok’s legal team to present four witnesses next week
Expert witness says there is misguidance in Ahok's speech
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Deputy of Rais Aam (Supreme Leader) of the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Miftachul Akhyar became the first expert witness presented by the public prosecutors during the eleventh trial of blasphemy case with Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) as defendant. He was presented as an expert on religion. In front of the judges, Miftachul deplored Ahok...

Senin , 13 Feb 2017, 08:53 WIB
GNPF MUI to give strong evidence of Ahok's blasphemy

Kamis , 09 Feb 2017, 18:19 WIB
Minister soon to determine whether Ahok will be reactivated as governor

Kamis , 09 Feb 2017, 05:03 WIB
Govt violates the law if reactivating Ahok: Observer

Rabu , 08 Feb 2017, 07:49 WIB
Ahok also mentions Al Maidah at Central Board of Nasdem Party

Rabu , 08 Feb 2017, 07:13 WIB
Witness wonders why Ahok talks about Al Maidah in his official visit

Rabu , 08 Feb 2017, 06:55 WIB
Expert witness verifies the video of Ahok in Seribu Island as original

Senin , 06 Feb 2017, 23:11 WIB
ACTA argues over the clarification of Ahok’s legal advisors

Senin , 06 Feb 2017, 07:47 WIB
Ahok ignores Muslims voters by being rude to Kiai Ma'ruf: Expert

Senin , 06 Feb 2017, 07:17 WIB