Capres-cawapres nomor urut 3 Ganjar Pranowo  dan Mahfud MD.

Lantunkan Ayat Kursi, Ganjar Soroti Peran Strategis Pesantren

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LAMPUNG -- Calon presiden (capres) nomor urut 3, Ganjar Pranowo, menyoroti peran penting pondok pesantren (ponpes) dalam dinamika kebangsaan saat sowan politik ke sejumlah ulama dan kiai dalam safari politik "Istighatsah Pemenangan Ganjar-Mahfud" di Ponpes Roudlotussolihin Bumi Restu Palas, Lampung Selatan, Senin siang. "Peran pondok pesantren sangat luar biasa. Mbah Moen pada zaman muda ikut serta dalam perjuangan dan beliau...

Vice Presidential Candidate (Vice President) number 03 Mahfud MD.

Mahfud MD: Teacher Salary Program Applicable to All Religions

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PASURUAN -- Vice President candidate number 03 Mahfud MD reiterates his commitment to promote salaried teachers. Mahfud stressed that the program would apply to teachers of all faiths in Indonesia. “We have a program and we definitely have money because the money exists, which is to give permanent honor to all paid teachers, including non-Islamic religious teachers, thanks,” Mahfud...