![Open case screening in the alleged case of religious blasphemy by Jakarta governor-inactive Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) was held at the Main Meeting Room National Police on Tuesday at 09.30 a.m. until 18.30 p.m. The result will be published on Wednesday (11/16) no later than 10.00 a.m.](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/sejumlah-perwakilan-dari-pihak-pelapor-mengikuti-gelar-perkara-dugaan-_161115134259-449.jpg)
Rabu , 16 Nov 2016, 00:10 WIB
Will Ahok be free from religious blasphemy allegation?
Selasa , 15 Nov 2016, 00:47 WIB
If Ahok is free from allegation, MUI's advocacy team will file a pretrial
Senin , 14 Nov 2016, 22:25 WIB
Din Syamsuddin: Public will monitor open case screening
Senin , 14 Nov 2016, 20:44 WIB
Ahok asks Egypt's Syeikh Amr Wardani to be expert witness
![Buni Yani (left) accompanied by his lawyer Aldwian Rahadian (right) after being questioned as witness regarding the report on Jakarta governor-inactive Basuki Tjahaja Purnama's (Ahok) alleged religious blasphemy, Thursday (11/10).](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/buni-yani-kiri-didampingi-kuasa-hukumnya-aldwian-rahadian-_161110173829-821.jpg)
Kamis , 10 Nov 2016, 20:38 WIB
Buni Yani: I was only re-post Ahok's alleged blasphemy video
![Ustadz Bachtiar Nasir](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/ustadz-bachtiar-nasir-_160918173236-974.jpg)
Rabu , 09 Nov 2016, 23:26 WIB
Bachtiar Nasir refuses to attend at ILC television program
![Calon Gubernur DKI Jakarta nomor urut 2 Basuki Tjahaja Purnama atau yang biasa dipanggil Ahok berjalan menuju kendaraannya seusai menjalani pemeriksaan di Mabes Polri, Jakarta, Senin (7/11).](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/calon-gubernur-dki-jakarta-nomor-urut-2-basuki-_161107205001-885.jpg)
Selasa , 08 Nov 2016, 00:38 WIB
Ahok reluctant to comment about his examination
Ahad , 06 Nov 2016, 00:31 WIB
Police question 25 people over riot at the night of November 4th
Ahad , 06 Nov 2016, 00:02 WIB
President orders Ahok's religious blasphemy case exposed to public
Ahad , 06 Nov 2016, 00:00 WIB
Buni Yani potential to be suspect: Police said
Jumat , 04 Nov 2016, 03:29 WIB
During November 4th rally, President will be at the Presidential Palace
![Thousands of Muslim from Defender of Islam hold demonstration against Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Puranama in front of City Hall on Friday (10/14). Meanwhile, today will be the second rally following the](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/ribuan-massa-kelompok-bela-islam-berunjukrasa-memprotes-tindakan-penistaan-_161014183254-265.jpg)
Jumat , 04 Nov 2016, 00:37 WIB
Donations for November 4th rally reaches Rp 1.5 billion
![On Friday (11/4), Muslims will hold a major demonstration against religious blasphemy by Ahok. This rally was the second after last October demonstration (10/28).](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/inpicture_slide/demo-ahok-di-monas-_160904164437-508.jpg)
Amazing rally and the elegance of Indonesian Muslims
By: Muhammad PizaroThe author is a member at Islamic Journalist United (JITU) Hundreds of thousands people in Indonesia will carry out an outcry today in Jakarta, due to the Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama’s (Ahok) religious defamation. By calling the rally as “action to defend Alqur’an”, people will urge the process of law should follow in the alleged case of...
![On Friday (10/28), Muslims in several province hold demonstration against religious blasphemy by Ahok. (Illustration)](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/peserta-aksi-membentangkan-poster-di-depan-gedung-sate-kota-_161021172449-126.jpg)
Sabtu , 29 Oct 2016, 00:00 WIB
'There will be another Ahok without law enforcement in religious blasphemy case'
![Ahmad Syafii Maarif](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/ahmad-syafii-maarif-_120506223509-666.jpg)
Rabu , 26 Oct 2016, 17:31 WIB
Not condemning, but be condemned
Selasa , 25 Oct 2016, 00:03 WIB
'If the police is fair, it will be difficult for Ahok circumvent the law'
![Nasihin Masha](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/nasihin-masha-_121119220610-580.jpg)
Senin , 24 Oct 2016, 12:19 WIB
Al Maidah 51 convolutes Ahok (2)
![Nasihin Masha](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/nasihin-masha-_121119220610-580.jpg)
Senin , 24 Oct 2016, 12:11 WIB
Al Maidah 51 convolutes Ahok (1)
![Muslims marched in front of Sate Building, Bandung City, West Java on Friday (21/10). They urged the police to process law suit against Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama who has insulted the Quran surah Al Maidah verse 51.](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/massa-membentangkan-poster-di-depan-gedung-sate-kota-bandung-_161021171927-845.jpg)
Sabtu , 22 Oct 2016, 00:13 WIB
Mass in six cities holds demonstration against religious blasphemy
Kamis , 20 Oct 2016, 01:02 WIB
Australian media says Jakarta governor impulsive, yet popular
Rabu , 19 Oct 2016, 00:00 WIB
'Jakarta governor is trespassing other religion territory'
![Ribuan massa Kelompok Bela Islam berunjukrasa memprotes tindakan penistaan agama oleh Gubernur DKI Basuki Tjahaja Puranama di depan Balai Kota DKI, Jumat (14/10).](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/ribuan-massa-kelompok-bela-islam-berunjukrasa-memprotes-tindakan-penistaan-_161014183459-760.jpg)
Senin , 17 Oct 2016, 23:35 WIB
'Amien Rais is not the only one who wants to bring Ahok into justice'
Senin , 17 Oct 2016, 23:00 WIB
'None of Alquran verse guides people to the wrong path'
![Thousands of people hold demonstration against Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) who insulted Alquran surah Al Maidah verse 51. He said the verse was a false guidance for Muslim in choosing a leader. The mass started to march from Istiqlal Mosque to City Hall on Friday (10/14).](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/ribuan-massa-unjuk-rasa-terkait-pernyataan-gubernur-dki-jakarta-_161014145822-504.jpg)
Senin , 17 Oct 2016, 02:30 WIB
Insulting the Quran, Turkish media eyes on Jakarta's governor
Rabu , 12 Oct 2016, 01:00 WIB
MUI: Ahok statement is a blasphemy and has legal consequences
Selasa , 11 Oct 2016, 00:03 WIB
Jakarta Governor apologizes for offending Muslims
Bareskrim will process report on religious blasphemy by Ahok
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Citing Alquran Surah Al-Maidah verse 51 as a trick used by Muslim politician and ulama to influence Muslim not to vote for him in next year's election, Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) felt there was nothing wrong about his statement. He said, "I don't like to politicize sacred scripture."Ahok asked the people to watch full...