Menteri Sekretaris Negara Pratikno.

Senin , 06 Jul 2015, 11:25 WIB

Istana Belum Terima Usulan Dana Aspirasi

Presiden Joko Widodo.

Selasa , 30 Jun 2015, 10:20 WIB

Ada Menteri Disebut Hina Presiden, Jokowi Cuek

Gedung KPK

Rabu , 24 Jun 2015, 16:57 WIB

Pemerintah dan DPR Inginkan KPK Mati

Taufiqurrahman Ruki

Jumat , 19 Jun 2015, 19:51 WIB

Ruki: Revisi UU KPK Harusnya di 2016

Taufiqurrahman Ruki

Jumat , 19 Jun 2015, 17:13 WIB

Ruki: Jokowi Tolak Revisi UU KPK

Gedung KPK

Kamis , 18 Jun 2015, 14:43 WIB

ICW: Revisi UU Mematikan KPK Secara Sistematis

Gedung KPK

Kamis , 18 Jun 2015, 11:46 WIB

Wapres Sebut Kewenangan KPK Terbatas

Minister Pratikno (c).

Indonesia to take over Mahakam Block, Freeport operations

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian government will fully transfer East Kalimantan's Mahakam Block to the state-owned oil and gas enterprise Pertamina and take over Papua's gold mining operations currently managed by Freeport Indonesia."President Joko Widodo again affirmed that the government has decided to hand over the Mahakam Block to Pertamina," Ministry of State Secretary Pratikno noted in a press...


Indonesia asks Germany to ease export

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,  JAKARTA -- Indonesia asks Germany to ease the access for Indonesian products, especially commodity. The demand was stated during President Joko Widodo meeting with German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier in State Palace on Monday (3/11). The President Jokowi was accompanied by Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi and State Secretary Pratikno."We asked Germany to ease the access...


Jumat , 31 Oct 2014, 15:58 WIB

Lima Calon Akan Ikuti Seleksi Rektor UGM

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Jumat , 31 Oct 2014, 08:54 WIB

UGM Bersiap Pemilihan Rektor

Rektor UGM Pratikno

Selasa , 14 Oct 2014, 05:55 WIB

Jelang MEA, Izin Pertambangan Perlu Diperketat

Rektor UGM, Pratikno

Kamis , 18 Apr 2013, 13:12 WIB

Rektor UGM Dapat Gelar Doktor Kehormatan

Menteri Kehutanan Zulkifli Hasan

Senin , 17 Dec 2012, 13:14 WIB

Kemenhut dan UGM Kembangkan Silin

 Aktivis dari berbagai LSM mendatangi KPK menyatakan dukungannya kepada KPK, Jakarta, Jumat (5/10) malam.

Senin , 08 Oct 2012, 12:18 WIB

Rektor UGM Kecam Upaya Pelemahan KPK

Selasa , 02 Oct 2012, 16:00 WIB

Rektor UGM Kritik Kebijakan Pemerintah