Senin , 14 Apr 2014, 21:57 WIB
PDIP tops election at Indonesian Embassy in Singapore

Ahad , 13 Apr 2014, 21:13 WIB
Survey: Jokowi`s running mate likely Kalla or Akbar

Sabtu , 05 Apr 2014, 09:39 WIB
Expert: Abraham Samad better to focus on his job at KPK

Sabtu , 05 Apr 2014, 04:31 WIB
Ali Masykur Musa ranks second in Democratic party's convention

Rabu , 26 Mar 2014, 00:17 WIB
Dangdut King awaits his pair in presidential electiion

Selasa , 25 Mar 2014, 18:51 WIB
Wiranto: Indonesia needs clean and honest leader with good conscience

Selasa , 25 Mar 2014, 18:41 WIB
Prabowo Subianto: Indonesia won't be led by 'puppet'

Selasa , 25 Mar 2014, 18:33 WIB
PDIP to remain calm to face 'smear campaign' against Jokowi

Selasa , 25 Mar 2014, 18:24 WIB
Indonesian Election Commission sued because no braille templates

Sabtu , 22 Mar 2014, 22:29 WIB
Chairman: PKS to join coalition with other parties

Sabtu , 22 Mar 2014, 22:16 WIB
Megawati reveals reasons for choosing 'skinny' Jokowi

Jumat , 21 Mar 2014, 00:10 WIB
Six political parties file lawsuits over electoral disputes
Democratic Party to announce its convention result in April
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Chief Executive of Democratic Party, Sjarifuddin Hasan said that the party would announce convention result of presidential candidate and his pair in April 2014. The party decided to announce the convention result after legislative election. "Wait until the end of April 2014, then we will announce the result," Hasan said on weekend. Hasan said that the party was...

Sabtu , 31 Aug 2013, 14:39 WIB
Two candidates tell reasons for withdrawal from Democratic Party's convention

Jumat , 23 Aug 2013, 17:01 WIB
Dahlan Iskan to participate in Democratic Party convention

Kamis , 22 Aug 2013, 21:48 WIB
National Democratic Party discharged Endriartono Sutarto

Senin , 19 Aug 2013, 07:22 WIB
PDIP: Jokowi will not follow convention of Democratic Party

Sabtu , 17 Aug 2013, 09:56 WIB
Golkar hints that Kalla allowed to be nominated by other party

Sabtu , 03 Aug 2013, 00:29 WIB
People to collect 60 million signatures to support Jokowi to be next president

Kamis , 25 Jul 2013, 00:05 WIB
Three entrepreneurs to compete in convention of presidential candidates

Selasa , 23 Jul 2013, 00:13 WIB
Did Jokowi and Hatta Rajasa discuss presidential election?

Rabu , 10 Jul 2013, 00:59 WIB
Ruling party proposes three candidates for presidential election

Senin , 18 Mar 2013, 18:23 WIB
Jokowi dodges question about his presidential candidacy

Senin , 11 Mar 2013, 23:25 WIB
Analysts: Jokowi and Subianto the most potential figures for president

Rabu , 02 Jan 2013, 21:00 WIB
Data in next Indonesian elections will be accurate

Survey: Indonesia needs an alternative for presidential candidate
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA - The upcoming Presidential Election is predicted to have some new figures for presidential candidates. The survey of Indonesia Survey Institution (LSI) records that popular presidential candidates are not followed by quality required to become a president. According to the survey, the ten most popular candidates only obtain 33 percent votes from Indonesians. The rest choose other names randomly. The...