Ramp check of Boeing 737 plane. (File photo)

117 domestic planes undergo ramp check

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA --  The Transportation Ministry announced on Wednesday it has conducted a ramp check on 117 domestic planes since the crash of Lion Air JT 610 plane on Monday (Oct 29). Based on the results of the ramp check on 117 planes of different types, they all are declared airworthy, chief of aeronautic product sub-directorate within the Directorate...

National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) Chairman Soerjanto Tjahjono

Lion Air JT 610 plane does not explode mid air: KNKT

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Lion Air JT 610 plane that crashed in the waters of Tanjung Karawang in West Java last week did not explode mid-air, National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) Chairman Soerjanto Tjahjono stated. Speaking to journalists here on Monday, Tjahjono remarked that several small pieces of the craashed plane, with 189 passengers onboard, were found."Hence, the plane...

Petugas SAR gabungan mengevakuasi puing pesawat Lion Air JT 610 saat tiba Posko Terpadu Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, Sabtu (3/11).

Senin , 05 Nov 2018, 18:45 WIB

Hari ke-8, Tim Kumpulkan 17 Kantong Jenazah

Petugas mengangkat kotak hitam (black box) Pesawat Lion JT-610

Senin , 05 Nov 2018, 15:49 WIB

KNKT: Sinyal CVR Sudah Mati Sejak Dua Hari Lalu

Keluarga relawan penyelam Syachrul Anto menunjukan foto almarhum melalui gawai seusai pemakaman di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Sabtu (3/11/2018). Syachrul merupakan relawan Badan SAR Nasional yang meninggal ketika membantu pencarian puing-puing pesawat Lion Air JT 610 yang jatuh di perairan Karawang, Jawa Barat.

Senin , 05 Nov 2018, 15:46 WIB

Syachrul yang tak Pernah Menolak Panggilan