Balitbang Diklat of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in cooperation with the Great Administrator of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) held the Conference on Religious Moderation.

NU Chairman Emphasized the Meaning of Religious Moderation to Solve World Conflicts

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Chairman General Manager of the Great Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU), KH Yahya Cholil Staquf will clarify the meaning of Religious Moderation to the delegates of countries attending the Asian-African and Latin American Conference on Religious Moderation (KMBAAA) on 20-22 December 2023. It was done to convince them that religion could really be the solution to conflicts going...

Umat Muslim makan bersama selama perayaan Maulid Nabi Muhammad di Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 09 Oktober 2022. Maulid Nabi Muhammad setiap tahun diperingati pada tanggal 12 Rabiul Awal, dan dikenal sebagai Maulid atau Maulid.

Apa Manfaat Perayaan Maulid Nabi Menurut NU?

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Maulid Nabi adalah peringatan kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW yang dirayakan oleh umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Bagi Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), yang merupakan salah satu organisasi Islam terbesar di Indonesia, perayaan Maulid Nabi seringkali diadakan dengan berbagai kegiatan, seperti pembacaan shalawat, ceramah agama, dan kegiatan sosial. Namun, apa manfaat perayaan Maulid Nabi bagi NU? Wakil Sekretaris LD...