Visitors made payment at one of BSI's food & beverages merchants in Jakarta, Monday (10/6/2024). PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) consistently promotes the growth of small and medium-sized micro enterprises (SMEs), one of them from the digital aspect. This time, BSI partnered with, a startup platform focused on moving from the payment side of transactions for MSMEs. This cooperation will further synergize 24 thousand MSMEs that have already cooperated with in order to optimize obtaining access to capital from BSI.

BSI Assets Grow 48 Percent in 3 Years, Now Top 6 National Banks

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) recorded asset growth in the last three years reaching 48 percent from 2020 to December 2023. In the second quarter of 2024, BSI registered assets of Rp 360.85 trillion making it the 6th position in Indonesia. BSI can also maintain the performance of DPK financial ratios, financing, cost burden efficiency and...

Direktur Utama BSI Hery Gunardi.

Porsi Pembiayaan UMKM BSI Naik 14,54 Persen

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) memperkuat dukungannya terhadap sektor usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) dengan meningkatkan pembiayaan dan pendampingan. Hal tersebut dapat terlihat dari penyaluran pembiayaan BSI kepada UMKM yang sebesar Rp 47,72 triliun, meningkat 14,54 persen secara tahunan hingga Juni 2024. Rasio Pembiayaan Inklusif Makroprudensial (RPIM) BSI juga naik menjadi Rp 88,81 triliun atau...