![Three pairs of Jakarta gubernatorial election candidates attended prime debate on Friday (January 13) night.](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/paslon-cagub-dan-cawagub-dki-jakarta-agus-harimurti-yudhoyono-sylviana-_170114123126-358.jpg)
Sabtu , 14 Jan 2017, 18:24 WIB
'Agus is undoubted, Ahok is worried, Anies is mastered the stage'
![Chairman of the Jakarta General Election Commission Sumarno announced schedule of public debate of Jakarta gubernatorial election candidates, on Wednesday. The pubic debate will be held on Friday (January 13).](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/ketua-kpud-dki-jakarta-sumarno-saat-press-conference-_170111171008-479.jpg)
Kamis , 12 Jan 2017, 01:30 WIB
Police prepare security for public debate of election candidates
![The pre-trial session had been completed with judge Sutiyono rejecting all of Buni Yani's demands on Wednesday.](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/buni-yani-usai-menjalani-sidang-putusan-praperadilan-di-pengadilan-_161221165338-337.jpg)
Rabu , 21 Dec 2016, 22:35 WIB
Court rejects Buni Yani's demand
![Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) is now defendant of religious blasphemy case. The inagural session held on Tuesday (12/13) at the North Jakarta District Court, Gajah Mada Street, Central Jakarta.](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/gubernur-dki-jakarta-nonaktif-basuki-tjahaja-purnama-atau-ahok-_161213112628-845.jpg)
Selasa , 13 Dec 2016, 15:09 WIB
Ahok is charged using two alternative articles
Kamis , 24 Nov 2016, 01:16 WIB
Three sentences that make Buni Yani suspect
![Ketua Gerakan Nasional Pengawal Fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia (GNPF MUI), Bachtiar Nasir (ketiga kanan) berbicara saat menggelar konferensi pers Aksi Bela Islam III di AQL Islamic Center, Jakarta, Jumat (18/11).](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/ketua-gerakan-nasional-pengawal-fatwa-majelis-ulama-indonesia-_161118135121-304.jpg)
Kamis , 24 Nov 2016, 00:01 WIB
To stage "Aksi 212", GNPF MUI asks police to respect constitution
Rabu , 23 Nov 2016, 23:03 WIB
Police name Buni Yani as suspect
![Aksi Bela Islam III (3rd action to defend Islam) logo as part of the National Movement to Guard the Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa.](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/logo-aksi-bela-islam-iii-diperlihatkan-gerakan-nasional-pengawal-_161118135516-459.jpg)
Rabu , 23 Nov 2016, 17:00 WIB
Jakarta Metro Police Chief edicts contain threat to democracy: LBH Jakarta
![Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said he had not received any report about plot against the government related to planned rally on Dec. 2 by Islamic organizations demanding the arrest of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) for alleged blasphemy.](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/menteri-pertahanan-menhan-ryamizard-ryacudu-memberikan-pdato-politiknya-_160413173414-630.jpg)
Rabu , 23 Nov 2016, 00:00 WIB
Defense Minister: No report yet on plot against government
![Jakarta Regional Police Chief Inspector General M Iriawan has issued a notice regarding rallies planned to be held on November 25 and December 2, 2016.](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/kapolda-metro-jaya-irjen-pol-mochamad-iriawan-_161116173608-972.jpg)
Selasa , 22 Nov 2016, 19:00 WIB
Jakarta police issues notice on planned rallies
![Aksi Bela Islam III (3rd action to defend Islam) logo as part of the National Movement to Guard the Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa.](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/logo-aksi-bela-islam-iii-diperlihatkan-gerakan-nasional-pengawal-_161118134935-678.jpg)
Selasa , 22 Nov 2016, 18:10 WIB
GNPF leaders clarify December 2 rally to MUI
![TNI Chief General Gatot Nurmantyo stressed his soldiers are ready to guard December 2 rallies without guns. If riot occured, he promised his soliders will protect the mass.](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/panglima-tni-jenderal-tni-gatot-nurmantyo-_161111221428-191.jpg)
Selasa , 22 Nov 2016, 01:00 WIB
TNI Chief: The army ready to guard rally without guns
![On November 4, hundred of thousands people gathered at Medan Merdeka Barat Street to urge law enforcement against religious blasphemer Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/inpicture_slide/ribuan-massa-kelompok-bela-islam-berunjukrasa-memprotes-tindakan-penistaan-_161014183200-363.jpg)
Hidayat Nur Wahid: Nov 4 rally arose due to barriers to legal system
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ACEH -- The National Movement to Defend the Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa (GNPF MUI) has staged two massive rally precede Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) named as suspect of religious blasphemy. According to Vice Chairman of People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Hidayat Nur Wahid, some people have wrong interpretation about the message of action to defend Islam (Aksi Bela...
Senin , 21 Nov 2016, 18:24 WIB
Religious Affairs Minister says Ahok can't be imprisoned like in New Order era
![Jakarta Governor candidate Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (right), accompanied by a candidate for Deputy Governor Djarot Saiful Hidayat (center) and their winning team, gave statement after being named suspect of religious blasphemy case, at Rumah Lembang, Menteng, Central Jakarta on Wednesday (11/16).](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/calon-gubernur-dki-jakarta-basuki-tjahaja-purnama-atau-ahok-_161116125840-554.jpg)
Rabu , 16 Nov 2016, 15:29 WIB
Being suspect, Ahok: They will be embarrassed if I win in one round
![Chief of National Police Criminal Investigation department (Bareskrim) Comr. Gen. Ari Dono Sukamto was reading the result of open case screening in a press conference on Wednesday.](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/kepala-bareskrim-polri-irjen-ari-dono-sukmanto-membacakan-_161116114025-932.jpg)
Rabu , 16 Nov 2016, 12:11 WIB
Police name Ahok as suspect in religious blasphemy case
![Open case screening in the alleged case of religious blasphemy by Jakarta governor-inactive Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) was held at the Main Meeting Room National Police on Tuesday at 09.30 a.m. until 18.30 p.m. The result will be published on Wednesday (11/16) no later than 10.00 a.m.](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/sejumlah-perwakilan-dari-pihak-pelapor-mengikuti-gelar-perkara-dugaan-_161115134259-449.jpg)
Rabu , 16 Nov 2016, 00:10 WIB
Will Ahok be free from religious blasphemy allegation?
Selasa , 15 Nov 2016, 00:47 WIB
If Ahok is free from allegation, MUI's advocacy team will file a pretrial
Senin , 14 Nov 2016, 22:25 WIB
Din Syamsuddin: Public will monitor open case screening
Senin , 14 Nov 2016, 20:44 WIB
Ahok asks Egypt's Syeikh Amr Wardani to be expert witness
![Buni Yani (left) accompanied by his lawyer Aldwian Rahadian (right) after being questioned as witness regarding the report on Jakarta governor-inactive Basuki Tjahaja Purnama's (Ahok) alleged religious blasphemy, Thursday (11/10).](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/buni-yani-kiri-didampingi-kuasa-hukumnya-aldwian-rahadian-_161110173829-821.jpg)
Kamis , 10 Nov 2016, 20:38 WIB
Buni Yani: I was only re-post Ahok's alleged blasphemy video
![Ustadz Bachtiar Nasir](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/ustadz-bachtiar-nasir-_160918173236-974.jpg)
Rabu , 09 Nov 2016, 23:26 WIB
Bachtiar Nasir refuses to attend at ILC television program
![Calon Gubernur DKI Jakarta nomor urut 2 Basuki Tjahaja Purnama atau yang biasa dipanggil Ahok berjalan menuju kendaraannya seusai menjalani pemeriksaan di Mabes Polri, Jakarta, Senin (7/11).](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/calon-gubernur-dki-jakarta-nomor-urut-2-basuki-_161107205001-885.jpg)
Selasa , 08 Nov 2016, 00:38 WIB
Ahok reluctant to comment about his examination
Ahad , 06 Nov 2016, 00:31 WIB
Police question 25 people over riot at the night of November 4th
Ahad , 06 Nov 2016, 00:02 WIB
President orders Ahok's religious blasphemy case exposed to public
Ahad , 06 Nov 2016, 00:00 WIB
Buni Yani potential to be suspect: Police said
![Thousands of Muslim from Defender of Islam hold demonstration against Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Puranama in front of City Hall on Friday (10/14). Meanwhile, today will be the second rally following the](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/inpicture_slide/ribuan-massa-kelompok-bela-islam-berunjukrasa-memprotes-tindakan-penistaan-_161014183254-265.jpg)
Donations for November 4th rally reaches Rp 1.5 billion
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Donations for peaceful rally to protest religious blasphemy of the Alquran by Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama on Friday (11/4) has reached Rp 1,5 billion within five days. The figure accumulated since the first day of raising donations on Saturday (10/29).Treasurer of the National Movement Supporters Fatwa Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI GNPF) Muhammad Luthfie Hakim...
Jumat , 04 Nov 2016, 00:18 WIB
Jakarta Police Chief confirms November 4th rally after friday prayers
Sabtu , 29 Oct 2016, 05:00 WIB
Madura ulamas write to president over Ahok's alleged blasphemy case
![On Friday (10/28), Muslims in several province hold demonstration against religious blasphemy by Ahok. (Illustration)](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/peserta-aksi-membentangkan-poster-di-depan-gedung-sate-kota-_161021172449-126.jpg)
Sabtu , 29 Oct 2016, 00:00 WIB
'There will be another Ahok without law enforcement in religious blasphemy case'
![Ahmad Syafii Maarif](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/ahmad-syafii-maarif-_120506223509-666.jpg)
Rabu , 26 Oct 2016, 17:31 WIB
Not condemning, but be condemned
Selasa , 25 Oct 2016, 00:03 WIB
'If the police is fair, it will be difficult for Ahok circumvent the law'
![Nasihin Masha](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/nasihin-masha-_121119220610-580.jpg)
Senin , 24 Oct 2016, 12:19 WIB
Al Maidah 51 convolutes Ahok (2)
![Nasihin Masha](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/nasihin-masha-_121119220610-580.jpg)
Senin , 24 Oct 2016, 12:11 WIB
Al Maidah 51 convolutes Ahok (1)
![Muslims marched in front of Sate Building, Bandung City, West Java on Friday (21/10). They urged the police to process law suit against Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama who has insulted the Quran surah Al Maidah verse 51.](https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/detailnews/massa-membentangkan-poster-di-depan-gedung-sate-kota-bandung-_161021171927-845.jpg)
Sabtu , 22 Oct 2016, 00:13 WIB
Mass in six cities holds demonstration against religious blasphemy
Kamis , 20 Oct 2016, 01:02 WIB
Australian media says Jakarta governor impulsive, yet popular
Rabu , 19 Oct 2016, 00:00 WIB